Showing posts with label New shoes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label New shoes. Show all posts

Monday, July 29, 2013

New Shoe Monday

I had mentioned here that my foot was really bothering me on my last long run.  I currently wear Brooks Pure Connect 2 and love them!

Brooks Pure Connect 2
I think it's time for a new pair for my long runs though.  These shoes are much lighter than I had usually worn.  I never had any  problems breaking them in except some calf soreness...until Saturday's run.  I can probably still wear these on the shorter runs, but I don't think my feet are strong enough to handle the minimum support for the 3-4 hours that I'll be running soon.

It was go time when I was browsing through Brooks website, like I often do, and came across the Ghost 5's that were on sale!

Brooks Ghost 5

They rarely go on sale.  Just about once a year when the new one's come out they will put the old one's on sale and I always seem to miss it.  I hope these shoes work out.  I haven't worn this style, but they are similar to the Defyance that I use to wear and love.

I have some foot pain after today's 3 mile run, but hope massaging it with a tennis ball will work with relaxing the tendon, which is what I self diagnosed the problem to be.  I keep having to find the ball, because my cat keeps whacking it under things!

Now, the challenge is patiently waiting for my shoes to arrive!

Do you have a favorite brand of shoes?  Or do you just wear different shoes every time?